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Carmel Youth Baseball

Carmel Youth Baseball Fall Ball Development League



CYB Fall Ball is for player development and is a piece of a larger baseball journey. This Fall season will improve players’ baseball skills and knowledge. In turn, when the regular spring season begins the level of play and understanding improves across all skill levels and age groups. Baseball is simple on the surface, however a rather complex game with many moving parts. Players will improve over time as they are exposed to more reps and drills. It’s important to continue to expose them to more of the rules and help them understand the game to its fullest. As players improve, their level of confidence and excitement improves as well. Our coaches and instructors’ primary goals for Fall Ball is to make sure the kids have a great time and are excited to return for the regular Spring season. 



CYB Fall ball is a developmental league for our players to improve their skills and get ready for the next level of baseball. Fall Ball will be a little more relaxed than regular season, but still competitive. The intent is to focus on the skills and drills for improvement. Here are (4) ways to make the most out of Fall Ball:

1.    Focus on teaching life lessons, but still pursue winning – Players and coaches should be as competitive as possible to promote the drive to improve skills, teamwork and getting players to push beyond their comfort zones. However, the scoreboard in Fall Ball has next to no importance to CYB. It’s about the growth and development of players’ and their skill levels.

2.    Focus on reps to increase players’ ability and confidence – CYB Fall Ball is a great time for reps, reps and more reps. Fall is the best time to spend teaching the fundamentals and developing the skills to help advance the players for next year. CYB’s developmental goal is more well-rounded players entering the next regular season with higher hopes for success.

3.    Improving coaching skills, drills, and communication with the players – Like players, coaches need to improve their coaching as well. Fall Ball provides structure for coaching plans and drills to improve all aspects of the game. This time of the year is a great time to push the kids out of their comfort zones. Our coaches need to build our players’ confidence while providing a platform that promotes working hard in a fun environment.

4.    Growing CYB in the community -- Fall Ball is about growing the player base through a great experience and creating an environment of positivity and learning. It’s important that coaches and parents work together to develop our young players on and off the field. With positive experiences in our league, kids want to continue to play the great game of baseball. This same positivity spreads throughout the community which helps increase and grow our future generations of the CYB family.


When are the Fall Ball practices and games played?


CYB Fall Ball practices will be on Mondays and Wednesdays starting at 4:30. Players should arrive 15-30 minutes early to stretch and warmup, so they are dressed and ready to play ball at 4:30.


Mustang (8-10 year olds) – Mustang Field

          Monday @ 4:30 – Dampierre Park

          Wednesday @ 4:30 – Larson Field


Bronco (11-12 year olds) – Bronco Field

          Monday @ 4:30 – Dampierre Park

          Wednesday @ 4:30 – Larson Field


Pony (13-14 year olds)



Games will primarily be on Saturday afternoons, starting between 1:00 and 2:00. We are also exploring the option of having a few weekday games against other local leagues.  Bronco (11-12) and Mustang (8-10) games will be held at either Dampierre Park or Larson Field. Pony (13-14) games will be held at Carmel Middle School. If we have any intercity games, those games will be played at either our fields or at the opponent’s field.  The final game schedule will be announced in the coming weeks with games beginning before the end of the month and continuing through mid-October.


How are Fall Ball game rules different from Spring baseball games?


The rules of the games are the same as the Spring season (Pony rules), but there is an increased focus on teaching the players how to do things right during the games. Coaches and umpires will often take a moment to explain a rule, a play, or a strategy to a player during Fall Ball games.


Kids will learn about advanced rules as well, like balks, dropped third strikes and stealing bases. We will keep the games moving with a 5-run limit per inning (each half-inning is over when there are 3 outs made or when 5 runs score) structured the same as regular Spring season. The umpires will have a more generous strike zone to encourage swinging the bat and to keep the games moving.


The official PONY pitch count rules remain in effect, but since one of the purposes of CYB Fall Ball is to help develop pitchers, more kids will be given the opportunity to pitch in games.



How are “instructional” games different from “competitive” games?


Baseball is by its nature a competitive game. Whether it is a game in a CYB Fall Ball instructional league or competitive Spring league game, many things are the same: A batter stepping up to the plate wants to get a hit, and the pitcher wants to get the batter out, so the kids will naturally play hard once the game starts. The largest difference is in how the games are managed. The difference between Fall instructional league and Spring competitive league is not in how hard the kids play, it is how the kids are utilized during the game.

During the regular Spring season, teams will utilize the more skilled players during most of the game in the infield, pitching and catching. The less skilled players generally sit out more and play in the outfield. This is necessary in competition because the team needs to put its "best" lineup on the field as often as possible to give it the best chance of winning. However, this limits the chances for the less experienced players to develop their skills


In Fall Ball, the emphasis is on learning skills and increasing the player’s baseball knowledge. Thus, coaches are encouraged to rotate players frequently and allow them to play different positions and learn different skills. We also use Fall Ball to develop new skills. Players will learn what is taught to them. It’s our coaches’ focus to share the rules and skills of the game so each player can improve.


How are Fall Ball practices different from Spring baseball practices?


Fall practices will be done as a group rather than broken up by team. There will be many stations and small group drills to keep the players continuously active. Remember, CYB Fall Ball is about reps, reps and more reps. Practices will have similar themes such as hitting, fielding, baserunning and pitching. Some drills should be familiar, while others may not. All age levels will have very similar practice structures and drills.



My child plays other sports such as soccer. Can he/she still play Fall Ball?


Yes. Many players who play Fall Ball also play soccer or other sports. We are trying our best to accommodate all the kids’ other sports schedules. We recognize we can’t solve everyone’s schedules, so our practices and games are set to dates and times that CYB feels are the best for all. Fall Ball games are on Saturday afternoons, so the games do not conflict with most other sports, such as soccer or basketball.


What equipment does my child need for Fall Ball?


Jersey and hats will be provided by the league. Players should have a glove, helmet (with a full face mask), baseball pants, socks, cleats and a belt.  Protective cups are optional for Mustang, but are highly recommended.


Who Should Sign Up for Fall Ball?


Fall Ball is for those kids who simply cannot get enough baseball, Fall Ball gives them an additional 8-10 weeks of practices and games. Generally, kids who are moving from Pinto Majors to Mustang or from Mustang to Bronco or Bronco to Pony are helped the most by Fall Ball. These can be very difficult transitions and the extra “season” in a learning and instruction environment really helps with the transition. Players who want to learn or work on a different position are often helped a great deal by Fall Ball.



Who Do I Contact if I have More Questions?


Please email us at [email protected]

Contact Us

Carmel Youth Baseball

PO Box 222895 
Carmel, California 93922

Email Us: [email protected]
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